Background Checks

Employment screening services and employee background checks are vital to maintaining workforce integrity and safety. With negligent hiring, lawsuits, training costs, workplace violence and theft on the rise, pre-employment screening as well as taking the correct pre-employment screening steps are no longer an option, but rather a necessity for businesses.

Employment Screening Service Lawsuits, Training Costs, Workplace Violence and Theft on the rise, Pre-Employment Screening as well as taking the correct Pre-Employment Screening Steps are no longer an option, but rather a necessity for Businesses. The most common ‘Lie’ or Exaggeration that Candidates submit in their Job Application is either their Employment History, or their Qualification Achievements. There have been numerous cases of Job Candidates or Employees gaining Employment to responsible positions having lied about their experience and their previous roles.

No two Organizations are exactly the same and the Jobs within them require different Competencies, Skills and attributes, along with different levels of Authority and Responsibility. We know that businesses’ background-check needs vary depending on their size, Industry and many other factor.

At KHI we provide State-Of-the-Art tools to help you Screen your Candidates, verify Curriculum Vitae content, check Credit Records, Qualifications, Driver’s Licenses and, Criminal Records. Our team of verifiers also does Previous Employment Verification and Character References, amongst other Checks.

Our Approach

There are several types of Background Checks that can be done on people who have applied for jobs, such as Criminal Record Check, Credit Check, Previous Employer Check, Education Check and Driving Records Check. It is important for Business Owners to be cautious when employing. Carrying out Background Checks on them gives them Security against any future liabilities that can arise due to negligent hiring practices.

At Knowledge hub Institute we perform the Checks below:

  • Previous Employment
  • Academic Qualifications
  • Criminal Background
  • Identity and Address
  • Credit Reference
  • Character Reference